Beijing now spotlights Bangladesh\`s $1.0b Teesta project
China is considering Bangladesh's multipurpose project on Teesta river as priority one and the authorities in Beijing are tasked with its evaluation_ reliable sources said.
Bangladesh has sought $938.27mn in loan from China to implement the Teesta River Comprehensive Management and Restoration project_ which causes unease to India.
Power Construction Corporation of China (Powerchina) had completed the project's feasibility study two years ago and the works are due to start after the signing of the loan agreement.
Bangladesh mooted a proposal for implementing the one-billion-dollar project two years ago under Chinese funding as the water-sharing treaty on this fourth-largest trans-boundary river with neighbouring India could not be materialised in a decade.
The Teesta project was not included in the 27 projects for which MoU was signed under a line of credit (LoC) between Bangladesh and China during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Dhaka in 2016. It was included later by replacing another project_ the sources said.
In a recent meeting held between Dhaka and Beijing_ the Chinese side informed the Bangladesh side that two projects_ including the Teesta river project_ was being considered by them as priority projects. The Sewage Collection System under Dasherkandi STP catchment of Dhaka City Project is the other one.
Under the Teesta Project_ gigantic drainage work will be done along the 115 kilometres of Teesta runs inside the Bangladesh border to deepen the depth of the mid-river bed.
A 115-kilometre four-lane road will be constructed along both banks of the river_ barrage-cum-road will be constructed at various points to improve the communications system.
A big reservoir would be constructed to conserve huge surplus water that flows through the river every monsoon to ensure water supply for irrigation during the dry season_ one official said.
The major features of the megaproject include: 108-kilometre river dredging_ 173 kilometre river embankments on both sides_ construction of satellite cities on both banks_ and preservation of asset worth BDT1130 billion.
Implementation of the project would create around 800_000 jobs_ said Water Development Board officials involved with it.