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Russian forces receive hundreds of new tanks including T-90M

 Published: 07:53, 29 March 2023

Russian forces receive hundreds of new tanks including T-90M

The Russian armed forces have received several hundred newly produced tanks, mainly T-90M Proryv, for use in the zone of special military operation in Ukraine.

"To date, the Russian defense industry has delivered several hundred new tanks, recently released from the assembly line, to the combat zone. These are mainly T-90M Proryv tanks, as well as deeply modernized T-72B3M tanks," a source told Russian media Sputnik on Wednesday.

The source added that "in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, including armament, fire control system, protection, mobility, and situational awareness, these tanks are at least at the level of the most modern foreign vehicles."

"At the same time, we can say with confidence that the T-90M and T-72B3M are completely superior in terms of combat characteristics to those tanks that the Ukrainian troops have or will receive in the near future from NATO countries," the source added.

In addition, the T-90M and T-72B3M tanks are equipped with additional reactive armor that protects equipment against anti-tank weapons from almost all angles, the source said.

Western countries have been supplying Ukraine with various types of weapon systems, including air defense missiles, multiple launch rocket systems, tanks, self-propelled artillery and anti-aircraft guns since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine over a year ago. Moscow has repeatedly warned that arms deliveries do not contribute to a peaceful resolution and further escalate the conflict.