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Bangladesh to be 5th Asian tiger in 5yrs: Kamal

 Published: 05:06, 25 March 2021

Bangladesh to be 5th Asian tiger in 5yrs: Kamal

Bangladesh's Finance Minister A H M Mustafa Kamal has said that if the current government is in power for the next five years_ Bangladesh will become the fifth tiger in Asia for economy.

"Based on how the whole world has been evaluating us_ it is my steadfast belief that we are on our way to achieving this feat_" he said while speaking to the media after participating in virtual meetings of cabinet committees on public purchase and economic affairs.

"The coming days will be even brighter for Bangladesh_ and its people will secure a firmer identity among the nations across the globe_" Kamal added.

The Four Asian Tigers  Hong Kong_ Singapore_ South Korea_ and Taiwan  have high growth economies fueled by exports and rapid industrialization. These nations have consistently maintained high levels of economic growth since the 1960s_ and have collectively joined the ranks of the world's wealthiest nations.

The economies of the Four Tigers have proven resilient enough to withstand local crises such as the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and global shocks like the credit crunch of 2008.

Expressing his optimism_ Mustafa Kamal said_ "Bangladesh's economy moved forward at an exceptional pace in the last ten years before the Covid-19 crisis. Nations known as the Asian tigers had achieved GDP growth of 6%-8% during that period_ and we managed to do the same."

"International experts have been giving their opinions about the top fifty countries on the basis of analysis. Bangladesh previously never got evaluated because it was not in that list. But now_ we are at the 41th position globally in terms of economy."

He continued_ "We have already secured the recommendation for graduating from the LDC [Least Developed Country] status. Those who used to make negative comments against Bangladesh_ are now seeing us in a positive light.

Mentioning Bangladesh's achievements in economic and social indicators throughout the last 50 years_ the finance minister said_ "We have achieved a lot in those indicators. When the Awami League came to power_ Bangladesh was in the 80th place globally."