Smart Economy


Bangladesh's forex reserves cross $30b again

 Published: 10:06, 22 June 2023

Bangladesh's forex reserves cross $30b again

Bangladesh's foreign exchange reserves on Wednesday once again reached 30.01 billion US Dollar mark which was $29.95 billion on Tuesday as the inflow of remittances is now maintaining an upward trend ahead of Eid-ul-Azha.

As per Bangladesh Bank data, between 1-20 June, Bangladeshi expatriates have sent $1.53bn of remittance to the country. In the same period of 2022, this figure was $1.10bn.

In the Fiscal Year 2022-23, the Bangladesh Bank sold $13.43bn from the reserves. The sales are usually used to fund government LC payments and procure essential goods.

After the government paid $1.1bn in import bills to the Asian Clearing Union (ACU), for March and April, the reserves fell to $29.7 billion on 8 May.

It rose again on 10 May, reaching $30.36bn which was $29.78bn just a day ago.

Bangladesh Bank data from 25 May shows that the reserve fell again to $29.96bn.