Smart Economy


Saudi Arabia, US top sources of remittance to Bangladesh

 Published: 11:19, 26 June 2023

Saudi Arabia, US top sources of remittance to Bangladesh

Bangladesh has received $19.44 billion in remittance in the 11 months of 2022-23 fiscal year -- up more than 1.1% year-on-year, said the finance minister AHM Mustafa Kamal.

Responding to a question, the minister made the disclosure on Sunday at a question-answer session of the national parliament.

In the parliament, Mustafa Kamal also announced the top 10 sources (countries) of remittance in 2021-22 fiscal.

Of them, Bangladeshi expatriates in Saudi Arabia sent the highest amount of remittance with $4,542 million followed by those in the United States, at $3,438 million and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), $2071.9 million.  

Other countries are: the United Kingdom at $2,039.2 million, Kuwait at $1,689.6 million, Qatar $1,346.5 million, Italy $1,054.2 million, Malaysia $1021.9 million, Oman $897.4 million and Bahrain $566.6 million.