Smart Economy


Italy keen to employ more Bangladeshi manpower

 Published: 12:35, 25 July 2023

Italy keen to employ more Bangladeshi manpower

Italy has shown interest to recruit more manpower from Bangladesh particularly in its agriculture and hospitality sectors as three Italian ministers called on Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the sidelines of the UN Food Systems Summit.

“Italy wants to hire more workers from Bangladesh for its hospitality and agriculture sectors,” Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen quoted the Italian ministers as telling the premier at their meetings at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy.

Momen briefed the reporters after Italy’s Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Justice Minister Carlo Nordio have meetings with the Bangladesh prime minister on Monday.

He said the issue of undocumented workers also featured the meetings as the Italian ministers and the Bangladesh premier put on stress on maintaining proper channel in going to abroad.

The Bangladesh prime minister said her country always discourage illegal workers.

Mentioning that both documented and undocumented workers are contributing to the economies of Italy and also Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina urged the Italian government to legalize the well-mannered and skilled undocumented workers.

Momen said, “Italy is very happy that Bangladesh is always supportive in migration of workers in legal ways”.