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Saima appointed WHO Regional Director, WHO DG congratulates

 Published: 11:21, 24 January 2024

Saima appointed WHO Regional Director, WHO DG congratulates

Bangladeshi autism activist and Psychologist Saima Wazed Putul has been appointed as the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for the South-East Asia by the WHO Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland.

After taking oath as the new Regional Director, Saima in her acceptance speech at the WHO Executive Board said, “I would like to thank the Member States for the trust they have placed in me. There is a lot of work to be done, and I am extremely pleased to be starting this journey at this moment with all of you.  I am excited for all that we can, and will, do together in the coming years.”

Ms Wazed begins a five-year term on 1 February 2024. She is the first from Bangladesh and the second woman Regional Director of WHO South-East Asia Region. She was nominated as the next Regional Director in a vote by the Regional Committee for the South-East Asia on 1 November 2023 in New Delhi, India.

WHO Director General (DG) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has extended congratulations to Saima Wazed, a strong advocate for autism, on her appointment as the Regional Director.

"You have the confidence and trust of the member states of the South East Asia and of the Executive Board," Adhanom Ghebreyesus wrote in a post from X handle.

He wrote Saima has been entrusted with guiding the health systems of 11 countries comprising nearly two billion people. The region is extremely diverse, and the range of health challenges is equally diverse, he added.

"Of course, you are not alone. You are supported by a very dedicated and talented team at the Regional Office. You have my full support and trust, and that of my colleagues in headquarters. I look forward to working with you," WHO DG wrote.

About the new Regional Director
Saima Wazed has a Bachelor degree from Barry University in Florida, USA, and holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She is a candidate for a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from the same university.

Since 2019 she has been an Advisor to the WHO Director-General on Mental Health and Autism and has been a member of WHO’s Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health since 2014.

Ms Wazed was designated Goodwill Ambassador for Autism in WHO South-East Asia in 2017. She co-authored WHO South-East Asia Regional Strategy on Autism Spectrum Disorder the same year.

She is an Associate Fellow at the Global Health Program Chatham House, UK, Chairperson of the National Advisory Committee on Autism and NDDs, Dhaka Bangladesh, and Chairperson of the Shuchona Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ms Wazed was conferred ‘Excellence in Public Health’ award by WHO South-East Asia Regional Office in 2014, and Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal in 2016 by the Dr Ibrahim Memorial Council, Bangladesh, for her work on autism and neurodevelopment disorders.

In 2017, Ms Wazed received International Champion Award from US organization Shema Kolainu for her work on autism in South-East Asia. In 2019 she was conferred Innovative Women Leaders in Global Mental Health award by the Global Mental Health Programs, Columbia University, USA.