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Bangladesh: Sincere steps are needed to establish peace in the hills

Dr. Sultan Mahmud

 Published: 11:08, 25 September 2024

Bangladesh: Sincere steps are needed to establish peace in the hills

Conflict arises in the hills. In Khagrachari, Pahari and Bengali clashes have spread to the neighboring district of Rangamati. No one wants the hilly areas to become disturbed. Even if the unrest in the hills has stopped for the time being, the anger that has been created will become more of a cause for concern if it deepens in the future. Even that would be difficult for the administration to handle.

Pahari and migrants are blaming each other for the incident. Rumors, however, played a key role in turning the incident into extreme violence. Rumors spread violence and started burning. Then the army entered the field. Paharis complain that the migrants set fire to their houses with the help of the army. The soldiers alleged that the Paharis were armed and attacked the soldiers. The soldiers also fired in self-defense.

What has happened in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, what is happening, needs to be resolved. In the 1980s and 1990s, the government sent a large military force to try to solve the problem and infuriated the common people in the hills. Then there was an armed conflict. Nearly two decades of armed conflict ended in 1997 with the Hill Tracks Treaty. But it is a sad fact that no sincere initiative was taken later on to implement this agreement. In a word, the mountain problem has been kept alive for three long decades.

We have to remember that hills are not an area outside of Bangladesh. There is a kind of provocation by calling the Bengalis who live in the hills as settlers. Even many media and activists run negative campaigns. The mountainous region is intertwined with the existence of Bangladesh. If the hilly area is Bangladesh, if someone buys land and lives there, it is a big question whether they can be called settlers. Creating an undesired environment is undoubtedly provocative and conspiratorial. We are all citizens of Bangladesh. There are various conspiracies here. There are various pros and cons. It is necessary to think very carefully whether the thought that the liberation of the Paharis will come through the formation of an independent country is justified. It is not auspicious to establish an unjust matter as fair and positive. It would by no means be fair to enter into a conspiracy to dissipate one's existence in unduly divergent temptations.

According to the constitution, the citizens of Bangladesh have equal rights. Paharis must be vocal in their struggle for equal rights. They cannot be discriminated against. Basically, their politics should be to be vocal in demanding their civil rights.

We all believe in the independence of the country. We are certainly all for the rights of the hill tribes. So the time has come to discuss all the opposing groups in the hills. Sarai has to take initiative with the plan to establish fair rights and peace of the citizens. It is the responsibility of all of us to stop the conspiracy that destroys freedom and sovereignty. In this case, there should be a consensus on the issue of sovereignty of the country by striving to protect the rights of all Paharis. It would never be reasonable to fall into the trap of a conspiracy. We all have to remember that if we don't come out of all conspiracies, the coming days may be direr. In this case, it is the responsibility of all of us to immediately find a way out of the conflict tension. In addition to ensuring the safety of all the citizens living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, initiatives should be taken to implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts Agreement for a political solution to the hill problems. It should be remembered that if peace is not restored in the hills, the peace of the country will also be destroyed.

Writer: Dr. Sultan Mahmud, a Professor in the  Dept. of Political Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Source: Fresh Angle International