Smart Economy


US imports of Russian fertilizer hit record $944mn

 Published: 14:57, 17 September 2023

US imports of Russian fertilizer hit record $944mn

The United States achieved a new record by buying $944 million of Russian fertilizers between the first seven month's of this year, according to data from the US statistical service.

Purchases in July fell three times as much as in June and nearly 40 per cent year-on-year to $54.4mn - the lowest level since August 2021.

Russia was the US' second-largest supplier of fertilizer this year, the largest supplier being Canada, which exported $2.8bn of fertilizers in seven months.

Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Qatar make up the other top five countries from which the US imports fertilizer.

From January to July, the US reduced its fertilizer imports by 22%, totaling $6bn. Exporting to this category also declined by 36%, reaching $3.4bn during the same period.

The previous record of Russian fertilizers imported by the US was reached last year, with the total value of purchases over seven months totaling $900Mln.